About Us
The History Behind the History Center
Beginning in 2006, we had a beautiful building, but it was mostly empty. Then in 2010, we began a new, revitalized effort to create something new and special. Within a short time, we are now bursting at the seams with treasures from the past. We need to expand and find to new ways to better serve the community.
The History Center is more than a simple museum filled with dusty artifacts. We are a place to come and meet. We have the Paul McCoy Lecture Hall that can seat up to 180 people. We rent ($150.00) this space for events: birthday parties, weddings (we even have a same church, oldest in the county), graduations, funeral receptions, etc. We have research facilities, a library, archives, immigration records, and more. We offer space to community organizations like the 162 Masonic Logan, Scouts, and others. Our old building from back in 1995, is now home to the Red Oak Senior Center.
Over the years, the Historical Society has gathered a wide variety of original artifacts, documents, photos and much more. If you like this sort of thing, come and we will impress you. Our collections are so varied it is hard to visit and not find something that we catch your interest.
Or just come in and visit, the staff is friendly and likes to help. Maybe you have a piece of history of your own and would like to share. We can definitely help you set something up.