
Montgomery County History Preserved

There’s so much history that has been preserved at the Montgomery County History Center. Whether you’re new to the area, just passing through, or a long time resident… there’s so much you can learn about our rich historical past!

Prehistoric / Native American

Prehistoric / Native American

Rare artifacts from a distant past.

Milford / Grant

Milford / Grant

Unique history of a small town.

Early American Kitchen

Early American Kitchen

Loaded with surprises.

Villisca Axe Murder House

See the actual murder weapon and more.

Wilson Concrete

Wilson Concrete

Modern times cast in concrete.

Johnson Hotel

Johnson Hotel

Once the finest hotel between Kansas City and Chicago; nationally famous in history.

Thos. D. Murphy Calendar Company

Thos. D. Murphy Calendar Company

Not the first calendar company, rather the best.

Antique Tractor Display

Antique Tractor Display

They pulled us into the Twenty-first century.

Red Oak Pottery Company

Red Oak Pottery Company

Rare earthen ware.

Antique Toys

Antique Toys

Your kids will not recognize what you played with.

Montgomery County History

Montgomery County History

Towns that are and those who almost were.

Eveready Battery Company

Eveready Battery Company

9 volt power.

Ladies of Montgomery County

Stanton Titanic Connection

Locals who were lost.

Masonic Lodge

Masonic Lodge

Builders of America.

Wahlund Photos

Wahlund Photos

Rare scenes from the past.

Ladies of Montgomery County

Ladies of Montgomery County

Hats, quilts, and more.

Christmas Village Display

Christmas Village Display

One of our most popular displays.

Military Uniforms

Military Uniforms

Reach out and touch those who defended your freedom.

The Packard House

The Packard House

Explore the legends of a six-sided stone house and the people who built it.

The Powell School

The Powell School

A tear drop on the pages of history.

Civil War

Civil War

Heroes of Volunteer Infantry Regiments.


World War One (WWI)

Heroes of the 42nd Rainbow Division.


World War Two (WWII)

Heroes of the 34th Red Bull Division.

Downtown Red Oak Timeline Mural

Downtown Red Oak Timeline Mural

From wood to brick; commerce, prosperity, and growth.